
Privacy of Student Records — Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

的 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA 或者是 巴克利修正案) is a United States federal law codified at 20 U.S.C. § 1232g, with implementing regulations in title 34, part 99 of the Code of Federal Regulations. 的 regulations provide that 教育al 年龄ncies and institutions that receive funding under a program administered by the U. S. Department of Education must provide students with access to their 教育 records, an opportunity to seek to have the records amended, and some control over the disclosure of information from the records. 有几个例外, schools must have a student’s consent prior to the disclosure of 教育 records.


  • 学校可披露, 不同意, “目录”信息,如学生的名字, address, 电话号码, 出生日期和地点, 荣誉及奖励, 以及出席日期.
  • 如§99所定义,这是对父母的披露.3, of a dependent student, as defined in section 152 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. 的 term “dependent” means an individual over half of whose support, f或者是 calendar year in which the taxable year of the taxpayer begins, 从纳税人那里收到了多少.

Facilities and 服务 for 学生 with Disabilities

Saint Augustine’s University’s ADA Compliance Program for 学生 with Disabilities offers quality services, reasonable and effective accommodations to students with disabilities to enhance their academic success, 参与教育项目, 以及推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的质量. 的 University supports the protection available to members of its community under all applicable Federal laws, including Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 《1990年美国残疾人法案, 1972年教育修正案第九条, and Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. 的 ADA Office invites all students with special needs to take advant年龄 of the support services provided by the University, to enable them to reach their full academic potential. Saint Augustine’s University prohibits the discrimination of students with disabilities and provides reasonable and appropriate accommodations to qualified students with disabilities.


坚持诚信平等, Saint Augustine’s University does not discriminate against any person based on race, 种族, 年龄, 性别认同, 遗传信息, 国家的起源, 宗教, 性, 性取向, 资深地位, 或其他受法律保护的依据. For inquiries concerning non- discrimination policies, contact the Employee Relations/Affirmative Action Office at 919.516.4413.


的 net price calculator helps determine the potential cost of attending Saint Augustine’s University by showing the full cost of tuition minus any grants or scholarships a prospective student may be eligible to earn.

Please follow the link to view Saint Augustine’s University’s net price calculator →





的 Academic Advising Center provides assistance to students in attaining their 教育al goals through academic advising and intervention to help make a successful transition to, 并确立他们在大学生活中的地位. Advisors assist students with taking responsibility for learning how to set academic, career, and personal goals and the ability to develop strategies for achieving them. Advisors provide guidance in helping students graduate in a timely manner by successfully meeting all requirements. 顾问也协助推荐和指导. 的 Academic Advising Center advises all students in the first year of their collegiate experience as well as students who have not declared a major during the second year. 学生 will meet with their academic advisor at least twice each semester. Academic Advising Center advisors work closely with all major program advisors to ensure that students receive comprehensive advising. 的 Academic Advising Center is located in the Delany Building, 2nd floor.



的 写作中心’s friendly and knowledgeable team of undergraduate writing peer readers are available to assist students at any st年龄 of the writing process.


的同学 are available to supplement in-class instruction in most core classes.


补充说明 (SI) provides weekly review sessions for students taking historically difficult courses. SI课程每学期都有所不同.


Prezell R. 罗宾逊图书馆是为了纪念罗宾逊博士而命名的. Prezell R. Robinson, then president of Saint Augustine’s College, on May 13, 1984. 的 图书馆 serves as a gateway to a robust collection of online resources and services; provides on-site reference and collection development expertise, and facilitates additional services that support the academic programs and research needs of the university.

Prezell R的任务. 罗宾逊图书馆 is to provide informational resources, services and programs which meet the 教育al goals and research needs of the University and community.

Scholarly resources at Saint Augustine’s University are located in the Prezell R. 罗宾逊图书馆, which provides information and research services f或者是 University and community. Equity of access is provided to the physical collection of books, magazines and audiovisual materials through an automated, 网上图书馆系统. Training on using the 网上图书馆系统 and evaluating information is provided to library users.

的 图书馆 工作人员 is comprised of information educators who prepare students, faculty and all users to be knowledgeable and creative information consumers.

Prezell R. 罗宾逊图书馆 consists of three floors: Archives, Digital Learning and Traditional 图书馆. 的 facility also contains seminar rooms with space for study groups and computer labs. Throughout the 图书馆 are individual carrels and study tables that will seat up to 500 students.

图书馆有100多个,000 volumes that represent courses offered by the divisions of Business, 文科与教育, Natural Sciences and Mathematics and Social Sciences. 的 information resources are in many formats-prints, 视频/DVD和其他音频记录, 网络和NC直播. 的re are approximately 300 periodicals that provide current information in support of the four academic divisions. About 30 newspapers of local, regional and national cover年龄 are included.

Prezell R. 罗宾逊图书馆的办公时间


  • 周日|下午1点.m – 8 p.m.
  • 周一-周四:上午8点.m. – 8 p.m.
  • 星期五|八点.m. – 5 p.m.
  • 周六| 关闭

(This information is subject to change, please check the 库页 获取最新的信息.)

认证, Approval, and Licensure of Institution and 项目



 mission of the Professional Development and Career 服务 Center at Saint Augustine’s University is to empower students to identify and maximize the connection between what they learn and how they make a living. Ultimately, it is crucial for students to self-man年龄 their own lifetime career development. 为此目的, the Professional Development and Career 服务 Center offers comprehensive services to facilitate self-assessment, 技能鉴定, 生涯探索, 决策, and career preparation and graduate school selection. 与教师合作, 工作人员, alumni and employers we seek to guide students toward active citizenship in an interdependent world through productive and satisfying work. 




Saint Augustine’s University is committed and has a long-standing commitment to proactively address high-risk drinking and substance abuse within our campus community. Saint Augustine’s takes pride in creating a campus that is a celebrative one. A campus not downgraded by the misuse of alcohol and drugs. Both harm reduction and primary preventative approaches are used when addressing alcohol issues at Saint Augustine’s University.

Harm reduction is a public health philosophy that seeks to minimize the dangers around alcohol use and risk of harm. Primary prevention works to prevent alcohol, other drug use, and abuse. Through the use of best practices, Saint Augustine’s promotes Student success programs. 的se programs promote responsible behavior around alcohol use including awareness, 教育, and compliance with campus policies and 状态 and federal law. Saint Augustine’s objective is to decrease high-risk drinking and its negative consequences among students. 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜专注于:

1. 提供和促进社交, 休闲, 课外, and public service options that do not include alcohol and other drugs;

2. Creating a social, academic, and residential environment that supports healthy norms;

3. 限制俱乐部的营销和促销, 赞扬, 其他场馆, 以及促进酒精或药物使用的事件;

4. Enforce and develop campus policies by enforcing local, 状态, 以及与其他药物使用有关的联邦法律.


North Carolina State Law mandates that all students entering college present a certificate of immunization which documents that the student has received immunizations required by law.

所有新, 转移, and readmitted student must complete the immunization record and have it submitted to the 约瑟夫·克. 戈登健康中心 prior to July 15 for fall admission and December 15th for spring admission each year.

Please see the list below for required vaccinations:

  • Three (3) DPT vaccinations – last vaccine must be within 10 years of admission.
  • 两次(2)MMR疫苗接种.
  • Three (3) Polio vaccinations (for applicants under 年龄 18 at time of admission).
  • Three (3) Hepatitis B vaccinations (if born after July 1, 1994)

Campus Security Policies, Crime Statistics and Crime Log

的 Saint Augustine’s University Campus Police Department (分CPD) is committed to the safety and well-being of the University community.

2018年度安全 & 消防安全报告→

Fire Safety Policies, Fire Statistics and Fire Log (On-Campus Housing Facilities)

Saint Augustine’s University takes fire safety extremely serious and continues to improve its programs offered to the Saint Augustine’s community through 教育, 工程和执行.

2018年度安全 & 消防安全报告→

Intercollegiate Athletic Program Participation Rates and Financial Support Data (Equity in 体育运动 Disclosure Act)


Saint Augustine’s University as a private university, 符合《全国选民登记法》.

Saint Augustine’s University does not endorse candidates, 采取政治立场, 或支持或反对立法. 选民登记表格可在网上索取.

分 students may be eligible to register and vote in Wake County, North Carolina. 的 deadline for voter registration in North Carolina is 25 days prior to an election.

的 links below provide information on registering and voting in Wake County.